Want to ace your system design interview? Learn how to mix passive and active learning modes to prepare effectively. Check out our tips and resources!
Learn how to structure your coding interview with this 60 minutes framework. Allocate 10 + 15 + 25 minutes for key steps like clarification of requirements and high-level design to ace the interview.
Are you ready for your next domain knowledge interview? Learn about typical questions and how to effectively prepare with passive and active learning methods.
Are you a developer looking to improve your learning skills? Learning how to learn is crucial in the job-hunting process. Discover how to utilize your brain’s two modes and optimize your learning experience with this informative article.
We have reviewed hundreds of engineer resumes and spoke to dozens of hiring managers and HR professionals at tech companies in Tokyo. Here is what we learned about the optimal engineer resume.
Read more about The reco Guide to Optimal Engineer Resume (2024 Edition)